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Eliezer Yudkowsky

By: Jacob Carney

Eliezer Yudkowsky was born September 11, 1979, in Chicago, Illinois. He is deeply connected to the field of artificial intelligence since that is what he has spent years researching. Growing up he never attended high school or obtained any secondary education, although he self-taught himself everything he knows. With his knowledge, he co-founded the company known as Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI) in the year 2000. Yudkowsky currently works for the company doing research on artificial intelligence that can improve itself, meaning the AI would be understanding and could modify itself. One major thing he is attributed for is popularizing the idea of a friendly AI. He has theorized and wrote about on explaining and developing seed AI, a type that can modify, improve, and understand itself, as well invokes good behavior when a task is not clearly defined.  One book that goes over these ideas is “Creating Friendly AI”. Yudkowsky, has had an impact on the debate of AI and pushes the idea that one day an AI will surpass the intelligence of mankind. A lot of this has played into his blogging and writings, and the hope of developing an AI with necessary restrictions to prevent any type of unacceptable learning. This concept is the basis of his research for developing his seed AI who, hopefully, will be friendly companion to humanity. He has influenced and helped others come up with possible theories of eliminating the possibility of an AI learning what could be considered bad behavior, possibly classifying an image as something appropriate when it is something harmful. One component to this is how everything within the AI needs to be easily accessible by someone who is wanting to know what the AI is writing to improve itself. This allows for the individual(s) who are studying the AI to have greater oversight and catch any issues before they become too great to handle. The idea of a friendly AI is in short, his legacy since the world has always

theorized the fall of humanity would come about by a rogue AI.




[1] "Eliezer Yudkowsky - Biography - JewAge." 2018. Accessed February 05, 2019.


[2] "Team." Machine Intelligence Research Institute. Accessed February 05, 2019.


[3] Up/Closed. "About Eliezer Yudkowsky | Biography | Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Blogger, Writer, Computer Scientist | United States of America." Accessed February 05, 2019.


[4] Yudkowsky, Eliezer S. "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky." Yudkowsky - The AI-Box Experiment. 2019. Accessed February 05, 2019.

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